INCIDENT REPORT Filed: Mon Apr 16 15:52:03 2001 Filed by: Jessi Tamez Sent to: Kevin Pugh Copies to: Saved as: IR 4-6-01 Day: Friday Date: 04/06/01 Time: 11:06 AM Location: Aden Participant(s) Address Phone # Coop? Birthdate Mike Covotsos 226 Aden 6-3678 04/06/82 Reporter Name Address Phone Title Date Jessi Tamez 218 Cockerell 6-4300 RA 04/10/01 John Francis 216 Aden 6-3664 RA 04/10/01 Description of incident: Jessi was called by Jeff, an RA in Libby, at about 10:50 pm. He told her that he heard loud music and voices coming from a room in Aden. He said he could see the window from his room and that a bottle had just been thrown through the window shattering part of the window. Jessi called John, the RA on that floor, and met him on the floor. They went outside to see the window and saw many shards of glass on the ground below the window. They determined it was room 226 and went back to the floor to confront the resident. After knocking, a girl opened the door. They asked where Mike was and she said she didn't know. They asked what had happened to break the window and she said she wasn't there. She said she was asked to stay here until Mike got back. From the doorway, they could see the broken window and an empty bottle. They asked to come in and look at the window. She complied and upon walking in, they encountered a pile of vomit. They left the room and decided to talk to Mike later that evening. However, they went back immediately to make sure no alcohol was left in the room. The girl opened the freezer and fridge and there was no alcohol. However, there were five empty bottles besides the one we had collected a few minutes ago. They left again and tried to find Mike later in the evening, however, he was not home. A copy of this report has been archived at