INCIDENT REPORT Filed: Sun May 6 01:10:36 2001 Filed by: Trevor Stone Sent to: Brian Shimamoto Copies to: Saved as: 010506outsidehallet Day: Sunday Date: 05/06/01 Time: 12:30 AM Location: NE Hallet Door Participant(s) Address Phone # Coop? Birthdate 6 unidentified white males Reporter Name Address Phone Title Date Trevor Stone Reed 211 6-2033 RA 5/6/01 Description of incident: Approaching Reed from the southwest, I saw several guys outside the NE door of Hallet, talking in a loud and rowdy fashion. On closer examination, it was 5 or 6 white males. They were yelling, and as I neared, two shoved each other back and forth, slipping on the ground. One of them said "Oh shit, *something* my beer!" A few more shoves were thrown before I arrived on the scene. One person in the fight had something of a dark brown beard, about an inch long, though not full. His face was darkly tanned. The other (as I recall) was wearing a white baseball cap backwards and was of larger than average build. I don't recall any specific features of the onlookers. When I arrived, I told them to break it up, which they did. I asked them what was going on, they informed me it was just a friendly fight, nothing serious. One reached out his hand and offered a fight between the two who had been shoving and I, I declined. He asked me what my name was, I said "I'm Trevor, I'm an RA. Have you guys been drinking?" One of the fighers replied "No." When asked what the can on the ground was, he said it was someone else's (though I saw it fall from his hand earlier). I informed them I heard something about "my beer" as I approached. By this time, the onlookers had started to file into the door, stating "Shit, he's an RA." After another question I don't recall, the two parties in question headed for the door (one had just reclaimed his shoe from the mud). I let them go, since there wasn't much I could do at that stage (I didn't realize I had any writing material on me, so full documentation would have been very challenging). Based on speech loudness, friendliness, and beligerence, I'd estimate that all of them had consumed a few beers. I picked up the beer (Keystone, half full in a styrofoam insulator) and headed to the Aden office. I thought better of it and returned to see if the shoe had been picked up (it had). On my return, I spotted a pot pipe and a green lighter. All three pieces of evidence are currently in the Aden office, if you are interested. BTW, this isn't the standard IR form, you probably noticed. I worked up a web-submission form for the Quad since Kevin was having trouble with the Wonderful World of MIME Attachments. The archived IR is password-protected. A copy of this report has been archived at