Subject: [METW] Fluffy stuff for amusement purposes only From: Mike Hess Date: 1997/01/09 Message-ID: <> Newsgroups: I guess Doors of Night must have come into play last night, because this morning, somebody had slapped down a Snowstorm. Luckily, there is no Wilderness between my Home Site, and my current site, or I wouldn't have been able to make it in to work. With the temperature dropping, it looks like Will of Sauron has been played also, and this Snowstorm is going to become a semi-permanant event. I may end up Lost in Free Domains. What a mess my Movement/Hazard phase was though. I was feeling the Burden of Time as I finished my Organization Phase, and could tell by the White Tree standing in my yard there was going to be no Fair Travels in Free Domains today. My Home Site was under a Seige, and I had to get my Snowsbane (+4 prowess vs. Snow) into play before I could even think of moving. Luckily, it's playable at my home site. I could feel the Sting of the wind's Icy Touch, and found myself wishing I was a Southron when, as I was cleaning off my Shield of Snow-bound Glass my knuckles suffered a Skinbark. Once I started down the Old Road, it became obvious that somebody had raised my hazard limit and before I could even get to the Great Road, I could see that the roads were littered with Rank upon Rank of people for whom Good Sense Revolts. Luckily, I was More Alert than Most, and I used my Inner Cunning to Dodge the Lure of Nature, and with Double Vigilance was able to make it to the exit ramp, only to find The Way is Shut by some Wacho in a snow plow. I Saw Further and Deeper though, and was able to use Secret Ways to avoid the spots where they were Rebuilding the Town. Now here I sit, atop Mount Doom, as Minions Stir all around me, and after a Short Rest, I'm starting to feel the Call of Home. Unfortunately, the Stormcrows are all trying to Alert the Folk that there will be more Snow, and Peril Returned at Twilight, as the Winds of Wrath start to blow. Who says I live in a fantasy world? -- Mike Hess A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools. --Mostly Harmless, Douglas Adams-- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Subject: [METW]Snowstorm Update by Kip Adata From: Mike Hess Date: 1997/01/10 Message-ID: <> Newsgroups: As you might have guessed, the Fell Winter has cause Quiet Lands here at the White Tower, so I thought I'd waste some more time (and bandwidth) on Foolish Words. As you may have guessed, Snowsbane (+4 vs. snow if you recall) has been Wielded Twice in the last couple of days. And the Clouds are forming again. The Stormcrow's weather report, (Which Might be Lies) says that a great deal of snow Will Not Come Down, but I'm Aware of Their Ways, and would not be surprised to see a Snowstorm of Redoubled Force. At least Movement/Hazard phase was not quite so dangerous, but neither was it Fair Sailing. I had not gotten a Block from my home site when I found that the Bridge over the Great Road was iced so badly that there was No Way Forward. That didn't stop some Little Snuffler behind me in a Dodge from trying. You know the kind. They think they have More Sense Than You. So I stopped at the intersection, he stopped behind me, honked his Huorn a couple of time, And Forth He Hastened. He didn't make it very far before, Like the Crash of Battering Rams, he's into the guardrail. What a Morannon. If I'd had more time, I'd have jumped out and kicked him in his Left Behind. But with Many Turns and Doublings, I once again managed to safely end my Movement/Hazard phase. Unfortunately, my Site phase has been a bore (Obviously.) As soon as I got here, I had a Chance Meeting with A Friend or Three and we decided to get together after work for a Quickbeam and Coke, or some other kind of Chill Douser. When I finally made it to my desk, I took of my boots and thermal socks, and was surprised by Foul Fumes. I was sure these socks were Neither so Ancient Nor So Potent, but I really thought I was going to Pukel Man. It left a bad taste in my mouth and I had to go Gergeli. At this point I am suffering from a Lapse of Will, and am more than ready for Clear Skies, and an end to the Gloom. As soon as I Muster the Halfling Strength, I'm going to go Cram myself behind the wheel of my car and head for my home site. -- Mike Hess A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools. --Mostly Harmless, Douglas Adams--