Militant Moirkage Monk deck by Trevor "Flwyd" Stone Stronghold: House of Tao. Start with Ring of Water unless against Unicorn Dynasty (51) 3 Suana 3 Hoshi Maseru 2 Kirazo 3 Heichi Chokei 3 Ikudaiu 3 Hoshi Wayan 3 Toashi Mitsu 3 Agasha Gennai 3 Farmlands Imperial Gift Wisdom Gained Peasant Revolt Otaku Stables Burn Alliance (Dragon) 3 Prayer Shrines 3 Jade Works 3 Small Farm 3 Large Farm 3 Merchant Caravans 2 Stables Fate (52 I think) 3 Elite Lite Infantry 3 Ashigaru 3 Peasant Levies 3 Spearmen Gunsen of Water Armor of Earth Mempo of the Void Battle Standard of Shinsei 3 Ikoma Technique 1 Coordinated Strike 3 Chasing Osano-wo 3 Flee the Darkness 3 Fist of the Earth 3 Block Supply Lines 3 Refugees 3 Entrapping Terrain 1 Slap the Wave 2 Walking the Way Ring of Earth Ring of the Void Ring of Water Follower heavy, with some backup. It's got plenty of defense, but if your oponent's a turtle, you can pitch it with Gennai and the Mempo (I wish Look Into the Void was Jade legal ;-) Ring of Void is fairly critical to get out, though I think I only played it once the whole tournament. The deck lost to Unicorn because he won by honor, I could've easily taken him in a fight at the end. It also lost a _very_ close game to Scorpion Ninjas. Storyline rammifications: The Monks welcome the Dragons and open The Acadamy to teach philosophy and battle tactics to the Peasants.